
Advanced Fields

Pie Forms has Advanced fields to help you create the most professional and complex forms with zero hassle. You can collect maximum user information with the Advanced fields using the easiest Drag and Drop builder.

Advance Field

Key Features

  • Address field allows the user to enter address details like street, city, state/province, and Zipcode. Admin can detect the city based on the site region of the user using the advanced options
  • The Date and Time picker field allows the user to select Date and Time on your Form.
  • HTML code block field allows you to add raw HTML code anywhere in your form.
  • Hidden Field allows you to set a default field value, or Smart Tag to store or update a record in the database without showing it to the user.
  • With the Rating field in Pie Forms, get instant feedback from the users with multiple icon options.
  • The File Upload field lets your user upload multiple files directly through the form.
  • The Section Title field lets you add headings to your form to create different sections.
  • The Digital Signature allows the user to add a personal signature through a mouse pointer or touchpad.
  • The Country field allows the user to enter their Country. This field has advanced options that let the admin detect the country based on the site region of the user or display the selected country from the dropdown on the frontend.