
Introduction to Hooks


  1. Pie_forms_{$menu_name}_tabs_array (returns an array of menu tabs)
  2. pie_forms_get_aboutus_output_{$menu_name} (returns the output of a menu)
  3. pie_forms_get_settings_{$menu_name} (returns the settings of menu)
  4. pie_forms_get_sections_{$menu_name} (returns the section of menu)
  5. pie_forms_{$export_type}_export_delimiter (return the delimiter to use in CSV file)
  6. pie_forms_{$export_type}_export_column_names (return an array of supported column names and ids)
  7. pie_forms_{$export_type}_export_get_filename (Generate and return a filename)
  8. pie_forms_{$export_type}_export_rows (Export rows in CSV format)
  9. Pieforms_admin_adminbarmenu_register (to add the menu in admin bar)
  10. pie_forms_get_field_settings_{$field_type} (Get the form fields after they are initialised)
  11. Pie_forms_advanced_options_override (to override the advance options)
  12. Pie_forms_conditional_logic_override (to override the conditional logic options)
  13. Pie_forms_field_new_default (to Grab new field default settings on drag ajax)
  14. Pie_forms_field_new_required  (to Grab new field required settings on drag ajax)
  15. Pie_forms_field_new_class  (to Grab new field classes on drag ajax)
  16. Pie_forms_type_validation (to change validation text)
  17. Pie_forms_block_usename_validation (to change username validation text)
  18. Pie_forms_block_email_address_validation (to change email address validation text)
  19. Pie_forms_block_ip_address_validation (to change block ip address validation text)
  20. Pie_forms_extensions_section_data (to get section content for the extensions screen)
  21. Pie_forms_form_list_shortcode (to get the list of shortcodes)
  22. Pie_forms_show_media_button (to check media button)
  23. Pie_forms_field_properties_{$field_type} (returns a properties of fields)
  24. pie_forms_field_exporter_{$field_type} (the export data filter, utilise that and re-loop promptly)
  25. Pieforms_importers (list of registered importers)
  26. Pie_forms_process_smart_tags (to Process and parse smart tags)
  27. Pie_forms_smart_tags (to add the smart tags)
  28. Pie_forms_html_field_value (Customise value format for HTML emails
  29. Pie_forms_success (check the submission)
  30. Pie_form_success_message (printing notice on the success of submission)
  31. Pieforms_frontend_container_class (add class in a frontend container of gutenberg editor)
  32. PFORM_forms_register_fields (To load the class of all fields)
  33. Pie_forms_core_get_notifications (to call admin notification class)
  34. Pie_forms_entry_list_default_form_id (default form id from a entry list)
  35. Pie_forms_entries_table_form_fields_columns (get the fields of entries columns)
  36. Pie_forms_entries_table_columns (to get list columns)
  37. Pie_forms_entries_table_fields_disallow (field types to disallow)
  38. Pie_forms_entry_table_column_value (to change the entry column value)
  39. Pie_forms_total_entries_count (to get the total number of entries)
  40. Pie_forms_entries_table_views (Table list views)
  41. Pie_forms_entry_bulk_actions (to add the bulk actions for entries)
  42. Pie_forms_entry_table_actions (Render the actions column)
  43. Pie_forms_template_section_data (to get the section content for the template screen)
  44. Pie_forms_builder_field_option_class (to get the builder fields option class)
  45. Pie_forms_field_preview_class (to get the builder fields preview class)
  46. Pie_forms_builder_settings_section (to add the sections in a builder)
  47. pie_forms_save_settings_{$current_tab}_{$current_section} (to save the settings of tab)
  48. Pie_forms_admin_parent_menu_capabilities (parent menu  capabilities)
  49. Pie_forms_manage_cap (to check the manage options)
  50. Pie_forms_builder_fields_groups (to add the fields group in a builder)
  51. Pie_forms_countries (to get the all countries array)
  52. Pie_forms_states (to get the all states array)
  53. Pforms_payment_currencies_filter (to get the payment currencies)
  54. Pforms_display_amount_filter (payment amount along with currency symbol)
  55. Pie_forms_captcha_languages (to get all the captcha languages)
  56. Pie_forms_builder_settings_fields_case (to create a type of a field for builder settings)
  57. pie_forms_builder_settings_fields_{$field_case} (to add the settings of a field case)
  58. Pie_forms_required_label (to change the validation )
  59. Pie_forms_date_format (Allows to change date format for everything PieForms)
  60. Pie_forms_time_format (Allows to change time format for everything PieForms)
  61. Pform_create_upload_dir_htaccess_file (Create .htaccess file in the Pie Forms upload directory)
  62. Pform_create_upload_dir_htaccess_file_content (to add the content of .htaccess file)
  63. Pieforms_upload_root (Add filter to allow redefine store directory)
  64. Pie_forms_delete_entrymeta (to remove the entries)
  65. Pie_forms_entry_statuses (to get the entries status)
  66. Pie_forms_email_from_name  (to get the email from name)
  67. Pie_forms_email_from_address (to get the email from address)
  68. Pie_forms_email_reply_to (to get the reply to email)
  69. Pie_forms_email_cc (to get the CC email address)
  70. Pie_forms_email_bcc (to get the BCC email address)
  71. pie_forms_email_default_content _type  (to get the default content type of email)
  72. pie_forms_email_content _type  (to get the content type of email)
  73. Pie_forms_email_headers (to get the email headers)
  74. Pie_forms_email_message (to get the email messages)
  75. Pie_forms_email_attachments (to get the email attachments)
  76. Pie_forms_email_send_after (Hooks after email is sent)
  77. Pie_forms_email_send_before (Hooks before email is sent)
  78. Pie_forms_email_display_empty_fields (for plain text emails)
  79. Pie_forms_disable_all_emails (Email kill switch if needed)
  80. Pie_forms_email_template (Get the enabled email template)
  81. Pforms_emails_templates_get_header_image (Get header image URL from settings)
  82. Pie_forms_file_upload_chunk_size (Maximum size for a chunk in file uploads)
  83. pie_forms_field_{$type}_media_file_title (Generate an attachment title used in WP Media library for an uploaded file)
  84. pie_forms_field_$type_media_file_desc (Generate an attachment description used in WP Media library for an uploaded file)
  85. pie_forms_field_$type_clean_tmp_files_lifespan (Clean up the tmp folder – remove all old files every day (filterable interval))
  86. Pie_forms_file_upload_chunk_parallel (to Initialises the chunk upload process)
  87. Pieforms_pagebreak_indicator (page break indicator)
  88. Pie_forms_checkbox_field_html_value_images (Return images, if any, for HTML supported values)
  89. Pie_forms_fields_show_options_setting (Show Values toggle option. This option will only show if already used or if manually enabled by a filter)
  90. Pie_forms_rating_field_emoji (to get the rating field emojis)
  91. Pie_forms_select_field_display (to Setup and sanitise the necessary data)
  92. Pie_forms_process_before_form_data (to process form data before submission)
  93. Pie_forms_process_before_filter (Pre-process/validate hooks and filter. Data is not validated or cleaned yet so use with caution)
  94. Pie_forms_recaptcha_v3_threshold (to check Recaptcha version)
  95. Pie_forms_process_honeypot (to process the honey pot)
  96. Pie_forms_process_filter (to process the data after the validation)
  97. Pie_forms_process_initial_errors (Initial error check.)
  98. Pie_forms_process_after_filter (to get the filtered data after process )
  99. Pie_forms_limit_submission_for_device (to change the limit submission for device validation message)
  100. Pie_forms_limit_validation (to change the limit validation message)
  101. Pie_forms_unique_email_validation (to change the unique email validation)
  102. Pieforms_ajax_submission_reponse (response data of ajax submission)
  103. Pie_forms_entry_save_data (to get the saves entry to data)
  104. Pie_forms_entry_save_fields (to get the saves fields)
  105. Pie_forms_success_message_text (to change success message text)
  106. Pie_forms_entry_email_data (to get the entry email data )
  107. Pie_forms_entry_email_atts (to get the entry email atts)
  108. Pieforms_divi_builder_form_title (to change the divi builder form title)
  109. Pieforms_divi_builder_form_desc (to change the divi builder form desc)
  110. Pieforms_shortcode_tag (to get Pie Forms Shortcode tags)
  111. Pie_forms_field_submit_visibility_class (to get the pie forms submit visibility class)
  112. Pie_forms_field_required_label (to change the pie forms required label)
  113. Pie_forms_field_custom_tags (to change the custom tags)
  114. Pie_forms_field_data (to get the pie forms field data)
  115. Pie_forms_frontend_recaptcha (to change Google reCAPTCHA output if configured)
  116. Pie_forms_frontend_hcaptcha (to change hCaptcha output if configured)
  117. Pie_field_atts (to get the pie forms field attributes)
  118. pie_forms_{$field_type}_field_display (to display the field)
  119. Pie_forms_frontend_form_data (to get the form data)
  120. Pie_forms_frontend_load (Allow filter to return early if some condition is not meet)
  121. Pie_forms_success (to perform some task on pie forms success )
  122. Pie_forms_frontend_form_action ( Allow final action to be customised)
  123. Pie_forms_frontend_container_class (Allow form container classes to be filtered and user defined classes)
  124. Pie_forms_entry_single_data (to get the pie forms single entry data)
  125. Pie_forms_hidden_entry_fields (Check if hidden fields exist).
  126. Pie_forms_html_field_label (to change the field label)
  127. Pie_forms_entry_details_sidebar_details_status (to get the status details of entry view sidebar )


  1. pie_forms_update_options_{$nenu_name} (update the menu settings)
  2. pie_forms_field_options_{$option_name} (update builder field name)
  3. pie_forms_field_options_before_{$option_name} (update builder field options before)
  4. pie_forms_field_options_after_{$option_name} (update builder field options after)
  5. pie_forms_field_options_top_{$option_name} (update builder top field options)
  6. pie_forms_field_options_bottom_{$option_name} (update builder bottom field options) 
  7. Pie_forms_admin_pages_before_content (add content before the menu heading)
  8. pie_forms_settings_save_{$current_tab} (save settings of backend menu)
  9. Pie_forms_settings_saved (on submission of backend menu settings)
  10. Pie_forms_builder_fields (output the builder field)
  11. Pie_forms_builder_fields_options (output builder field options)
  12. Pie_forms_builder_fields_preview (output builder field preview)
  13. Pie_forms_general_settings (Add settings in a builder general settings)
  14. Pie_forms_inline_email_settings (Add settings in a builder email settings)
  15. pie_forms_settings_connections_{$tab_slug_name} (Add new tab in a builder)
  16. Pie_forms_settings_panel_content  (Add content in a builder panel)
  17. Pie_forms_settings_page_init (Do action on click of save settings of backend menu )
  18. Pie_forms_save_form (save forms on ajax submission)
  19. Pie_forms_email_header (Hooks into the email header)
  20. Pie_forms_email_body (Hooks into the email body)
  21. Pie_forms_email_footer (Hooks into the email body)
  22. Pie_forms_email_send_before (Hooks before email is sent)
  23. Pie_forms_email_send_after (Hooks after the email is sent.)
  24. Pie_forms_email_field (Hooks into the email field)
  25. Pie_forms_payment_single_field_builder_insider (payment field preview inside the builder)
  26. pie_forms_payment_single_field_frontend(payment Field display on the form front-end)
  27. Pie_forms_multipart_field_builder_insider (multipage field preview inside the builder)
  28. Pie_forms_multipart_field_frontend (multipage Field display on the form front-end)
  29. Pie_forms_process_before (do action before the process of submission )
  30. pie_forms_process_before_{$form_id} (do action before the process of submission of specific form id)
  31. pie_forms_process_validate_{$field_type} (do action on the validation process) 
  32. pie_forms_process_format_{$field_type} (This hook is for formatting a value)
  33. Pie_forms_process_format_after (This hook is for internal purposes and should not be leveraged)
  34. Pie_forms_process  (this hook is for processing a data )
  35. pie_forms_process_{$form_id} (this hook is for processing a data of a specific form )
  36. Pie_forms_process_complete (Post-process hooks)
  37. pie_forms_process_complete_{$form_id} (Post-process hooks of a specific form id)
  38. Pie_forms_process_entry_save (save data to database)
  39.  Pie_forms_complete_entry_save (to performs task on completion of entry save)
  40. Pie_forms_ajax_submit_completed (to performs task on completion of ajax submission)
  41. pie_forms_display_submit_before
  42. pie_forms_display_submit_after
  43. pie_forms_display_fields_before
  44. Pie_forms_display_field_before (Add properties to the field so it’s available everywhere)
  45. pie_forms_display_field_{$field_type} (Add properties to the field by type so it’s available everywhere)
  46. pie_forms_display_fields_after
  47. Pie_forms_shortcode_scripts (Scripts load action.)
  48. pie_forms_enqueue_form_scripts
  49. Pie_forms_frontend_output_before (Before output hook)
  50. Pie_forms_frontend_not_loaded (Allow filter to return early if some condition is not meet)
  51. pie_forms_frontend_output_container_before
  52. pie_forms_frontend_output_form_before
  53. pie_forms_frontend_output
  54. pie_forms_frontend_output_form_after
  55. Pie_forms_frontend_output_after (After output hook)
  56. Pie_forms_view_entries_notices (backend entry view notices)
  57. pie_forms_before_entry_details_hndle(show something Before entry )
  58. Pie_forms_entry_details_content (show entry details content)
  59. Pie_forms_entry_details_sidebar_details  (show entry sidebar details content)
  60. pie_forms_after_entry_details (show details after entry )